When you live in New York having that perfect dazzling smile is important for this business community. Dr. Nosti’s promise to you:”My career’s promise is to fulfill the needs I believe we all deserve: A time-stealing, powerful & functional smile — to restore confidence in your smile and in life.” One of the fastest and easy ways to create a winning smile is with veneers.

Do you hate the color, shape, size, or spacing of your teeth?

The advancements in dentistry have been truly remarkable— especially when it comes to porcelain veneers. Not only have the materials used to make veneers improved tremendously, but also have the abilities and skill sets of the dental professionals who choose to work with them! But one question many people may wonder is “How do you design a smile?” and more importantly “How can I fix my smile!?”

Let’s dig into this a bit deeper….

Showcasing your trademark! (Your smile)

Your smile should always be taken seriously – there’s no question about it! A new smile has the ability to truly change lives for people, which is why we enjoy helping our patients achieve that glorious feeling whenever possible. Smiling makes you feel good. However, some people have lost the ability to smile freely and even cover their mouths to avoid showing their teeth in public. In many cases, the problems they are trying to hide — staining or discoloration, worn-down or slightly misaligned teeth, or too much space between their teeth — can be addressed beautifully with porcelain veneers!

What are Porecelain Veneers?

“Veneer” means a very thin cover, making the surface of something look better. An extremely thin custom-made shell – that is astonishingly lifelike in appearance – is placed on the front of a tooth giving it a new “face.” To make veneers look naturally contoured and harmonious, it may be necessary to remove tooth structure, depending on the size of the teeth and your desired size and shape. Dr. Nosti’s porcelain veneers are unique in that he always starts with your end result in mind, resulting in an ultra-conservative treatment process.

How does this work?

It really comes down to a 5-step process.

Step 1: Planning for perfection

A smile makeover is a true collaboration — between the dental laboratory technician, you, and us. We all work together to help you become the best YOU! First, you’ll discuss with us what you wish to fix and what you want your smile to look like!

Step 2: The Trial Run

To avoid any apprehensions, we have several options to preview what your new smile will look like before you fully commit to this treatment. Some of our methods may include:
• We may create a life-size exact model and then using wax, add veneers to your teeth model.
• Another method may be to make trial veneers to place directly on your teeth. That way you can try it before you buy it! You will only have them on while in the office, but it will give you a good preview to help make your decision.

Step 3: The prep work

Once we have agreed on a plan, your teeth will be prepared for the new veneers. Tooth prepa-ration varies from polishing the teeth to removing tooth structure to allow room for placement of the veneers. Our overall the goal is to remove as little tooth structure as possible.

Step 4: Laboratory Artisans

Dr. Nosti works strictly with the world-renowned Gold Dust Dental Lab to craft high-quality custom porcelain restorations. After your teeth are prepared, an impression of them will be made. This will be the impression the dental lab techs use to replicate and construct your veneers. During the time they are being made (it can take a few weeks), you will be given provisional veneers. These will be cemented to your teeth to adapt to the new look and feel of your veneers. Once you have had time to adapt to the changes (often a week or two), we will invite you back to fine-tune the subtle details. We do this to ensure satisfaction with the final results!

Once you are satisfied with the provisional veneers, we make another impression to send to the lab, this will finalize your look so they can finish crafting your new smile.

Step 5: Cementing the Deal

After the veneers come back from the lab, they are bonded to your teeth. First, both your teeth and the inside of the veneers will be “etched” with a mild acidic solution. This etching process will open up tiny pores in both surfaces. Then, we apply cement to form microscopic tags that fit into these pores.

Caring for Your New Mays Landing, NJ Veneers.

Maintaining your new veneers is easy but crucial. Consistent brushing and flossing are important to ensure good oral car. Be careful to avoid using your teeth as tools (biting your nails, tearing open bags) or biting into very tough foods like candy apples or frozen candy bars (just a general rule even if you don’t have veneers). This can crack teeth, and also chip or crack veneers. And if you have a clenching or grinding habit, we will make a custom-made night guard to prevent putting excessive forces on your teeth.

Transforming Smiles, Changing Lives – How could you say no?

“Dr. Nosti is very committed to providing you with the best results. You are his main focus! The results far exceeded my expectations.”

Dr. Nosti not only can beautifully transform your teeth, but he can change your life. Dr. Nosti graduated from the University of Medicine and Dentistry-New Jersey Dental School and has authored articles for prestigious publications such as Dental Town. It feels good to know that your smile is always in good hands with Dr. Nosti. So call your New Jersey dentist at (212)-619-4070 today to ask about changing your smile for the better! And be sure to check out our next blog that goes even further on this subject.